Unlocking Radiant Skin: Benefits of Understanding Your Skin Cycle

Unlock the Secret of Radiant Skin: Understanding Your Skin Cycle and Its Benefits

If you’re like me, you’ve probably looked at your skin and wondered why it looks radiant and healthy one minute and then for no obvious reason dry and dreary the next. Science says we are not alone and our skin’s unpredictable nature is perfectly normal.

Let’s go deeper into the scientific explanation of the skin cycle and learn its function, its causes, and how it impacts your skin. Basically keep reading to find out what the heck is going on with your skin. Let’s go…

Unlock the Secret of Radiant Skin: Understanding Your Skin Cycle and Its Benefits

What exactly is a ” Skin cycle”?

What exactly is a " Skin cycle"

Skin cycle is a process where new skin cells are formed at the deepest layer of the epidermis. From there it starts its journey to the surface of the skin. As it travels to the outer surface, it matures and joins your skin’s barrier, contributing to the process that shields your body from toxins while locking in moister. Age, hormones, skin conditions/health, and stress can affect the skin cycle. On average, this sloughing and renewal takes 5 to 6 weeks.

Skin cycle; Length, age and stages

Skin cycle; Length, age and stages

As we age the rate of cellular turnover slows down considerably. The skin cycle lasts 14-21 days between the ages of 19 and 21. A cycle for a middle-aged adult lasts roughly 28 days. The cycle lengthens as we get older, reaching 45-60 days in our 40s and 50s and 60-90 days in our 60s and 70s.

As we age, and when our skin cycle slows down, dead cells accumulate on the surface of the skin, causing sagging, fines lines and wrinkles. The accumulation of dead skin cells can also trap bacteria or discolored cells, resulting in blemishes and skin discoloration.

Knowing that your skin replaces itself appropriately every 28 days provides you with a number of opportunities to take fabulous care of it so that it can be at its healthiest.

When selecting the “correct” products for your skin, you should think about things like your hormones, diet, sun exposure, and stress. From the time the cell is formed until the time it reaches the skins surface it goes through 4 stages. Here are some ideas to help you through each stage.

Beauty By Jaime Tip: Keep up healthy habits throughout the cycle to keep your skin radiant and healthy

 Oily: As skin cells reach this stage, they become oily and exhibit excessive shine, enlarge pores (which can cause breakouts), and an imbalance in the hydrolipidic layer. (A light protective film that covers your skin.)

Beauty By Jaime Tip: Reduce the amount of exfoliation you do and add a salicylic acid or retinol-containing product to help regulate the oil.

Glowing: At this point, life is good. Your complexion is more radiant, your skin is more even, your pores are smaller, and your oil production has decreased. Now, all you have to do is protect the microbiome.

Beauty By Jaime Tip: If you want to give your skin an extra glow, try using products with vitamin C in them.

Dry: You’ll want to increase hydration in this stage because the skin can become pretty dehydrated.

Beauty By Jaime Tip: products with ingredients like vitamin E can be incredibly beneficial.

Improving: During this stage, your skin will be a little dry so please hydrate to support healthy cell turnover.

Complicating matters further, not all skin cells reach the same stage simultaneously. This may explain why you experience dry patches and oily breakouts at various times during the cycle.

Beauty By Jaime Tip: To gently remove some of the dryness and prepare the skin for the desired “glowing” phase, add an exfoliant to the mix

Beauty By Jaime Tip: when starting a new skincare regimen wait 1-3 skin cycles to give the skincare a chance to work. This depends on the length of your skin cycle and the product you are using. Medical grade Cosmeceutical skin care is designed to work on deeper layers of the skin so immediate results are not always seen. Over-the-counter skin care works on the surface of your skin so it may immediately feel soft but long-term benefits will not be comparable.


All humans we need to take care of our skin!, With a little education you should be able to maintain a healthy microbiome, allowing you to maintain healthy skin. We all have very busy schedules, and researching and learning time information can be time-consuming, especially if you don’t know who to trust.

That is why I created this blog to provide you with accurate information that is easy to read. Please visit our quick fact skincare page to learn the most key facts effortlessly. Now that you understand the skin’s life cycle, go out and get that healthy, radiant glow.

Please email me your results and let me know if you give me permission to use them in future blogs. benefit your skin and keep a youthful appearance. For more Beauty By Jaime tip and tricks please join our email list. Monthly newsletter starting in April.  

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As a health-conscious individual, I am always on the lookout for natural remedies that can improve my overall well-being.


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